praise/prayer request form & prayer wall

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cross of glory church prayer wall

Thank you for lifting one another up in prayer!

Clicking the 'hands' icon sends an anonymous message to that person letting them know someone prayed for them.


Yay, my CT scans and MRI show nothing of cancer is happening to cause my dizziness, so I'm still assuming it's Prednisone.


Still looking for a place to rent If anyone has a basement they are willing to rent that would work I do have 2 ESA cats


Nancy Rice is currently in the hospital having trouble swallowing. Diagnosis is still being confirmed. Please pray.


My brother David goes in on Tuesday for round 2 of 6 chemo treatments for his cancer. Let's thank God in advance for giving him strength, peace and comfort and minimal side effects, and peace and patience for his wife Deb.


Please pray for a new full-time employment position. Thank you!!